Paul Gibson Award

Who Were The Favorites For The Paul Gibson Award?

Sports fans and media love playing the what if game. Growing up a die-hard baseball fan, I always wondered what if Jeffrey Maier doesn’t reach over the outfield fence and catapult the Yankees dynasty? What if Barry Bonds doesn’t feel slighted by the media coverage Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa received in 1998 and decides it’s not worth it to take steroids? And what happens if Duaner Sanchez decides not to take a cab at 2 am causing him to miss the rest of the season and the Mets make the World Series in 2006? This year we are playing a different type of what if game What if the season started on time and continued unimpeded through May? Let’s start with the Paul Gibson Award, which is given to the top pitcher in Suffolk County. Last year it was won by Joe Savino of C...

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