Nicholas Mirabile Archives - Axcess Baseball

Nicholas Mirabile

Who Were The Top Performers at Monday’s College Showcase

For the second year, we partnered with Diamond Spikes Baseball and MaX Effort Baseball to host a college showcase on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The feel was much different in the pandemic world than last year. We had roughly half the players – who had their masks on throughout the duration of the event – and there was no spectators allowed aside from the 20 college coaches. I feel extremely fortunate that we were able to pull off the event despite the pandemic and I truly believe it will benefit many of the players who attended. The 2023s and 2024s were able to get their first or second experience playing in front of college coaches with every move and metric documented. For the 2021s and 2022s, they will certainly garner some interest from the coaches that were in attendance....

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