Michael Huber Archives - Axcess Baseball

Michael Huber

Q & A With Michael Huber

Michael Huber is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant accredited by the Association of Applied Sport Psychology. The primary focus of Michael’s practice is serving young athletes. With the nature of baseball being a game of failure, he is the perfect person to discuss the mental side of the game. Training the mental skills can sometimes be just as impactful as the physical skillset. I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say.. Can you tell our audience a little bit about your background and how you broke into this industry? I grew up on Long Island and played baseball at Valley Stream North. I started two years on varsity there and also spent time with the 1991 team that went to the Long Island Championship. Baseball was my first love. Unfortunately, I ...

Q & A With Michael Huber, MA, CMPC

The topic of the mental health in the game of baseball has gradually turned from taboo to widely accepted. Many players struggle with the mental side of the game to varying degrees. Fortunately, there are avenues to improve. People like Michael Huber offer their help to athletes as a means to improve and make the most out of their abilities. Michael grew up on Long Island and is the owner of Follow the Ball, LLC where he helps young athletes be ready for every next step in the game of life through teaching invaluable mental, emotional and interpersonal skills. I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say… Could you tell our audience a little bit about what you do and how long you have been a Performance Coach? I am a Certified Mental Performance Consultant acc...

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