LI Elite

LI Elite Edge Titans Molinaro at Stony Brook

The LI Elite 2020 South were set to face off against the LI Titans Molinaro in the 16U American division of the Boys of Summer on Thursday at 6 o’clock on Thursday evening. An hour prior to the planned start time, there was some doubt regarding whether or not the game would be played. From about 5:00 to 6:00, there was constant, heavy rainfall, with booming thunder as lightning constantly flashed across the sky. The sun soon emerged, and played its part in helping to dry up the field. At approximately 7 PM, the game finally started. Lorenzo Petraglia led off for the Elite, and he worked a lead off walk against Titans pitcher, Anthony Hernandez. Jason Labrador followed up with a single, putting Elite in a position to strike early. The following batter, Mike Sullivan, reached on a fielder’s ...

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