Keith Schroeder Archives - Axcess Baseball

Keith Schroeder

Farmingdale State Splits a Wild DH with Mount Saint Vincent’s

By Jesse Borek FARMINGDALE, N.Y.—–Much like the elongated winter within context of Saturday’s pristine conditions, whatever happened on Saturday afternoon between Farmingdale State and Mount Saint Vincent’s gives the brain permanent sunburn. In the opener of the doubleheader, the Dolphins from the Riverdale section of the Bronx laid a beating on the Farmingdale Rams, 19-8.  If possible, it felt as if the score was even more inflated than that.  Just to numb the senses and remind us all of baseball’s depravity, the Rams went on to win the backend of the twin bill 2-0.  Because, of course they did. The numbers are gaudy—for everyone.  There were six combined errors, 29 hits, 27 runs, 15 walked batters, and 20 men left on base. Farmingdale would put up a three-spot in the first, j...

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