Kate McGuire Archives - Axcess Baseball

Kate McGuire

Why Kate McGuire Will Make You Pay Attention

T.J. McGuire does not hesitate when he says his 12-year-old sister, Kate, is the best player he’s ever watched. Just to clarify, he’s referring to the sport of baseball. Keep in mind that T.J. McGuire played on the 2014 Bayport-Blue Point Phantoms squad that won the New York State Class A championship. That team had a number of phenomenal individuals that went on to play at the college level and prospered there as well–notably Jack Piekos who won the Paul Gibson Award and struck out 122 batters over 74 innings with a record of 10-1. “I’m saying this not as her brother but as an unbiased fan–if you lined up all the players on the field,” said McGuire, “I would choose my sister first and bat her third and play her at shortstop,” he went o...

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