Joey Marzouk

The Medical Marvel

When you hear the diagnosis of ‘torn UCL’, you cringe. Not just because of the hard work it will take to get back but because of the waiting game.Months on months of watching from sideline and feeling helpless. For a high school pitcher, that means missing a season and not regaining the eligibility.After having Tommy John surgery on July 16, 2014, one would assume pitching in 2015 was out of the question.Joey Marzouk, senior at Hills East, found a way to have his cake and eat it, too. “Right from the start I knew I was going to be back for playoffs,” said Marzouk. But through the whole winter I worked 6 out of 7 days a week between Physical Therapy, and my throwing programs. My arm started to feel great and I just kept rolling in the right direction,” he added...

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