Joe Swinarski Archives - Axcess Baseball

Joe Swinarski

Massapequa Looks to Continue Unprecedented Level of Dominance

Among the most common questions I hear on ballfields is, “how is Massapequa always so good?” It’s a great question. Longtime head coach Tom Sheedy gave a brief window into how they operate when he said, “I learned from the old Ward Melville lacrosse coach who told me about the ‘cycle’. The cycle is when you have grade school kids that come down to your camps, they wind up being the leaders of your varsity team, then they go on to play in college, then they come back to help out at the camps and the cycle goes on. It’s a very positive thing,” he said. It may sound oversimplified, but one thing is certain – Massapequa is at the top of the hierarchy of Long Island baseball programs. They are the five-time reigning Class AA Nassau County Ch...

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