Jared Finkle Archives - Axcess Baseball

Jared Finkle

Recap of Mariano Rivera Clinic at St. John the Baptist

Mariano teaching the proper technique to cover first pic.twitter.com/8jD6meeLka — Axcess Baseball (@axcessbaseball) October 14, 2017 What an unbelievable experience it was for 50 young ballplayers this afternoon at St. John the Baptist‘s baseball clinic. Major League Baseball’s all-time save leader (652) and five-time World Series Champion Mariano Rivera spent nearly three hours signing autographs, speaking to the players, running drills and even providing personal pitching instructions. Everyone in attendance marveled at Rivera’s incredible down-to-earth demeanor despite the massive success he’s attained in his illustrious career. With rain in the early portion of the morning, the clinic began inside with Rivera taking plenty of time to sign an autograph and t...

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