Gregg Sarra Archives - Axcess Baseball

Gregg Sarra

PODCAST: Special Guests Gregg Sarra and Lou Petrucci

In this week’s podcast we have a great show with special guests Gregg Sarra of Newsday and Ward Melville HC Lou Petrucci as we discussed the best teams in Class AA history. The re-classification in 2003 introduced Class AA, but prior to that all large schools were in Class A. Gregg shares the stories of the 2006 Massapequa State champs (29-0), 2010 Lindenhurst that nearly went undefeated and 1998 Longwood team that qualified for a playoff berth on an unprecedented rule and wound up winning a title. Lou goes in depth about his 2013 Long Island Championship team at Ward Melville. We also made our predictions for the 2018 winner. Enjoy!

Podcast: Discussing the Mount Rushmore of Long Island Baseball Players

We had two very special guests on the podcast today discussing the best seasons in Long Island baseball history. Gregg Sarra, 32-year veteran reporter for Newsday and Sal Mignano (583 career wins) together have seen plenty of talented players on the diamond. We discussed who the best of the best are.

The Man Behind the ‘Boys of Summer’

The year was 2005. Myspace was dominating the social network landscape. Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat were not invented, “selfie” was not a part of normal lexicon and people did not get rich by posting photos with well-placed hashtags. Before the proliferation of social media, it was very difficult to build anything from the ground up. Besides a brilliant idea, it required a massive amount of word-of-mouth testimonials and plenty of hustle. The league we now know as the “Boys of Summer” didn’t even have a name. It was simply a league consisting of 14 travel teams primarily from eastern Suffolk County playing on a few of the local high school fields. Fast forward to 2016 and the league had exploded in size to 240 teams from all over Long Island–plus Que...

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