Brent Strom

Batting 1.000 Host Clinic With Edgardo Alfonzo & Brent Strom

by Andrew Giantasio There was a unique opportunity today for young students of the game of baseball at the JMF sports center in Westbury hosted by Batting 1.000. The opportunity was to spend the afternoon learning hitting from former All-Star and current Brooklyn Cyclones manager, Edgardo Alfonzo, and pitching from Brent Strom, the pitching coach for arguably the most successful staff in the major leagues, the Houston Astros. The event was put together with batting 1.000 baseball academy. Coach Mike Ferriggi, the co-owner and head instructor of the Batting 1.000 academy was very excited for his players to learn from the pair. “Every once in a while, we want to bring to our players and families the opportunity to learn from some of the best and both of these guys track records speak for the...

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