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Up Next Powered by State Farm Ken Kortright Agency: Brian Brower

(Editor’s Note: This is the second installment of the Up Next Series in which we highlight the top underclassmen on Long Island. Make sure to check out last’s week’s feature on Everett Zarzicki. Special thanks to State Farm Ken Kortright Agency for sponsoring this year’s series.)

If one thing is for sure; hard-throwing left-handed pitchers will never go unnoticed in the world of amateur baseball. And if they are athletic enough to provide some punch at the plate, even better. One player that has turned heads this summer is West Islip-native Brian Brower. Only a freshman, he has already been in the low-to-mid 80s with his fastball recently, drawing rave reviews from coaches and opposition alike.

He is playing for Showtime Select and his coach Joe Fusco had the following to say:

“In all my years coaching, Brian Brower might have the highest ceiling of anyone I’ve ever coached. His talent speaks for itself; both at the plate and on the mound. He’s a leader on the field with his teammates, he’s the guy everyone rallies around. I couldn’t handpick a better player and person to represent us as a team on the field and off of it.”

Brian is certainly capable of being the next impact player that West Islip has developed. He is only a freshman so it’s important to remember this could take some time, but he is showing all the prerequisite signs that tend to lead to success on the field.

I had a chance to speak to speak with him and here’s what he had to say…

Who are some people that have had a positive influence on your career?

The person who has had the biggest influence on me is Coach Joe Fusco. This is my first season with Coach Joe, but he already has been such a positive influence. He has instilled in me the importance of good grades because without them, I will not be able to get into the college of my choice on just talent. Coach Joe has sent me to college camps already to instill in me that with good grades I will be able to attend major Division-I schools and that is my goal to play Div-I baseball.

Who your favorite players in Major League Baseball?

My favorite players in Major League Baseball are Aroldis Chapman and Bryce Harper. Both being left-handed like myself. I love Chapman because he is tenacious on the mound and throws gas and Harper because he hits bombs.

Do you take private lessons from anyone?

I take private lessons from two of the best in the business – my hitting coach is Brad Jackson of Max Effort Baseball and Neal Heaton.

What has been your most thrilling moment on a baseball field?

Throwing a no-hitter and hitting a walk-off grand slam.

Was baseball always your No. 1 sport? Do you play any other sports?

I have a funny story. I played football, lacrosse and basketball. At 9 years old, my assistant football coach Daryl Payne asked me if I wanted to come down with my friend, Kevin, to a baseball practice he was having. I was hooked on baseball from that day on. I still play football, basketball and baseball but baseball is my No. 1 sport. I have been advised by college coaches to focus on baseball and my grades. I will probably cut it down to just two sports – baseball and basketball.

Favorite restaurant on Long Island?

Favorite food is Lobster and mozzarella sticks. Favorite restaurant is JBBQ in Smithtown.

Favorite baseball trip you’ve been on?


Favorite show on Netflix?


Favorite musical artist?


Favorite app on your phone?

Instagram and TikTok

Goals for 2024? What would you like to work on this offseason?

Get my velocity to 87+ and hit over .400 on varsity.

Dream car?


Favorite vacation spot?

Turks and Caicos

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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