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Q & A With Tommy Ruehle

2022 was another strong season for Ward Melville. The perennial powerhouse once again made the playoffs before losing to Longwood. One of the main reasons for their success was great starting pitching and junior RHP Tommy Ruehle was a big part of that. He compiled a record of 6-3 with a 3.13 ERA. They will be counting on him once against

This past week he announced his commitment to Southern Arkansas. I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say…


Can you explain your experience with the college recruiting process and why you chose Southern Arkansas?

These past couple months have been ups-and-downs with colleges and whether or not the school was the right fit for me personally. When SAU was brought in as an option, I felt that I couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Playing in the summer with the Arkansas Sticks with Coach Brewster has been the greatest travel experience I’ve had. Knowing that I’m down there in a different environment than northeast baseball is something I’m very excited to be doing.

Who are some people that have had a positive impact on your career?

First, I’d like to start off with my parents; without them none of this would have been able to happen – they’ve done so much. My whole family who has been supportive throughout my life have had a great influence on me. And lastly, my teammates, always supportive and we are always doing it together.

Can you explain what it means to be a part of Ward Melville baseball?

Ward Melville baseball has been such a great time. 2022 was a great year but we still came up short from what we wanted to do. This year we are just looking to do the same thing and keep moving on.

Who is your favorite player in Major League Baseball?

Jacob deGrom

What are you looking to work on in the offseason? Do you work with any private instructors?

Over the offseason it’s just trying to get better, seeing my pitching coach around January, Coach McCabe, and then just getting right for school baseball.

Favorite meal?

Steak and potatoes

Favorite app on your phone?

Snapchat – just being able to talk to the people in my life in such an easier way.

Favorite baseball trip you’ve been on?

Still got to go with Cooperstown with the Three Village Patriots. It was just a great experience at such a young age considering we were a team as all friends just looking to have fun and it delivered.

Dream car?

1977 Corvette

Favorite vacation?

Montauk – it’s just a quick easy hour drive vacation that my family does.


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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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