Justin Leguernic Commits to Clemson

Hard-throwing lefties don’t grow on trees. It’s one of the rarest commodities in the game of baseball along with power-hitting catchers. They are a scout’s dream.

One pitcher in particular, Justin LeGuernic of Half Hollow Hills West, fits into the former category. The southpaw stands 6’4, has a laidback demeanor and throws gas from the left side. He participated in our 1st annual Mike Leiderman Cup two weeks ago and committed to Clemson University recently.

I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say…

Can you talk a little about your experience with the college recruiting process and why you chose Clemson?

I found that in the college recruiting process you have to be focused and work hard because there’s so many great players out there. I chose Clemson because not only is the baseball and coaching staff great but the academics are also a plus with a beautiful campus.

Who are some people that have had a big impact on your career?

All my coaches have had a positive impact on my career at different times in my  life. Paul Gibson has definitely taught me to have patience. My parents have also been my biggest supporters and have taught me to never give up and to have fun playing the game.

Who are some of your favorite players in Major League Baseball?

Some major league players I enjoy watching are Fernando Tatís Jr. and Josh Hader. When I watch Tatis I see how he loves the game and plays with a lot of energy. I like watching Hader because he’s a tall lefty like myself and has very nasty offspeed with a great fastball.

Who are some teammates that you’ve grown close with over the recent years?

I am very close to all my teammates. They are all like brothers to me

What are your plans for this offseason and what would you like to improve on?

My plans for this off-season are to gain muscle mass and develop a five pitch mix.

Can you talk a little about the 2022 season for HHHW and who are some impact players for your team?

I think this year is going to be great I think we have a chance of an LIC. Last year we were a younger team and got some playoff experience. This year Coach Migs is definitely going to push all of us to get better. This year we have Ryan Muskopf, Ryan Bonocore, Zachary Vasconcellos, Dillon Aery, Aidan Suapengco.

Favorite app on your phone?

Snapchat because that’s where I talk to my friends. Also Twitter because that helped me a lot in the recruiting process getting looked at by colleges.

Favorite pregame meal?

Peanut M&Ms

Favorite place to get a slice of pizza?

La Scala in Commack

Favorite vacation spot?

Cancun, Mexico

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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