Q & A With Plainview-native Tyler Galletti - Axcess Baseball

Q & A With Plainview-native Tyler Galletti

by Ben Diamond

Many collegiate baseball players spend their summers in the Hamptons. They aren’t there to enjoy long days on the beach, and nights at 1 Oak. They head to the east end of Long Island to play in the Hamptons Collegiate Baseball League where top college players from across the country come to compete with and against one another. One player in particular is a Long Island native who got the chance to participate this summer. This player is Sacred Heart catcher Tyler Galletti. Galletti, a freshman, had his first opportunity to play in the Hamptons League this summer. He walked us through his daily routines, on game days and off days.

What is your game day routine?

T: “Wake up, lift, eat. I go to the cage to get some swings in before heading to the field for warm ups and BP. Stretch for a half hour, then throw, and I’m ready for the game.”

Galletti adheres to a simple game day routine to ensure he is ready when game time comes around. Having a routine helps Galletti prepare and feel comfortable going into a game.

What do you do on your off days?

T: “We usually get two days off a week, I make sure I lift and I hit for about 45 minutes, and I have a light catch.” 

His on day and off day routines are similar but the off day is lighter in order to give him a little rest to recover. These off days also give him time to hang out with friends and enjoy his summer outside of baseball.

What has your experience in the Hamptons League been like so far?

T: “It’s been very good, the competition has been good, there’s been a lot of baseball, and I like it. No complaints.”

There is nothing better than having fun playing the sport you love while working hard to improve.

Have you been playing up to your expectations or do you have more room to grow?

T: “I mean, I feel there is always room to grow, and there is always room to get better. Hitting wise I always want to get better, and the same goes for catching, I’m always working to be better.”

The mentality to keep improving is an important characteristic for any player. Galletti is not willing to settle for anything less than his best. 

Galletti played this summer for the Riverhead Tomcats who went 14-15-1 during the regular season, just barely squeaking into the playoffs where they put up a good showing and ended up making it to the Championship series. Unfortunately they lost two games in a best OF 3 series to the Southampton Breakers. Galletti’s summer season was not up to his very high standards when it comes to his own level of play, so he is working extra hard during his time off in order to improve on this summer and be ready for his sophomore season at Sacred Heart. 


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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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