What's On Tap For This Week? - Axcess Baseball

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What’s On Tap For This Week?

This week will start to actually feel like baseball season for two reasons

  1. It’s slated to be above 50 degrees from Tuesday through Friday.
  2. Seven local teams will be in action

Before this week, it’s only been a handful of teams to even get on the field let alone have more than one game at a time. So this will be fun. We used to do the “What’s On Tap” every Monday back in 2015-’16, but it just got too tedious when there’s 15 teams playing multiple times per week. Also, I replaced it with the Weekly Power Rankings, which I haven’t started up yet.

Here’s the local teams that will be action this week.


Fordham @ Stony Brook 2pm

Felician @ Molloy 3:30pm


Sacred Heart @ Fordham 3pm

LIU @ Farleigh-Dickinson 1pm


Felician @ Adelphi 3pm


Sacred Heart @ Hofstra 2pm

St. John’s @ Western Carolina 5pm

Farleigh-Dickinson @ Fordham 2pm


St. John’s @ Western Carolina 5pm

Stony Brook @ CCSU TBD

Sacred Heart @ Hofstra DH 11,2:30pm

Pace @ Adelphi DH 12,3

Dominican @ Molloy DH 12,3

Mt. St. Vincent @ St. Joseph’s DH 11,1:30

Union CC @ SCCC DH 12,3


St. Jonh’s @ Western Carolina 12pm

Farleigh-Dickinson @ Fordham 12pm

Sacred Heart @ Hofstra DH 11, 2:30

Adelphi @ Mercy 1pm

Mt. St. Vincent @ St. Joseph’s DH 12,3

Suffolk CC @ Mercer DH 12,2:30

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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