Vote On The Photos For Axcess Baseball's Calendar - Axcess Baseball

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Vote On The Photos For Axcess Baseball’s Calendar

One of the true pleasures of covering the game of baseball is the ability to capture moments in time and make them timeless. To commemorate those moment, we will be putting out an Axcess Baseball themed calendar with a different photo for each month.

It was not easy to narrow it down to 60 photos, and it will be even more difficult narrowing it down to 12, but the right way to choose is to have the audience vote and that’s exactly what we will do. The photos are all taken during the “Axcess Baseball era” beginning in 2017.

We will keep the link open until April 1 so it gives everyone ample opportunity to take advantage.

Here is the link to vote. You can vote one time per device.

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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