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Get to Know Tyler Cox

One thing I noticed from scouring the internet is that West Virginia University loves their northeast players. Their 2019 roster was composed of three New Jersey, three New York, three Pennsylvania and one New Hampshire native. Long Island baseball fans may be familiar with Sam Kessler, a Mt. Sinai-native who was drafted out of West Virginia University by the Detroit Tigers this year.

Another Long Island native is soon to join that roster. Clarke HS junior Tyler Cox announced his verbal commitment to West Virginia University on Thursday. The Mountaineers won 38 games last season in the Big-12, where they have been a member of since 2013.

Speaking of 2013, Clarke HS just won their first County Championship since then. A big part of that was the sweet left-handed swing of Tyler Cox. I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say.

Can you explain the experience of winning a County Championship and how exciting that was? What made that team so special?

Winning a County Championship has been a goal of mine since I started playing at Clarke in 7th grade. It’s something all players here work towards, not just alone but as a family. Without my brothers behind me I wouldn’t have been able to put myself in a situation to even contribute to winning a County Championship. Through out the entire season if someone was struggling or had somrthing going on everyone on the team did what they could to help. It really was a special group of guys.

Tell our audience about your experience with the college recruiting process and why you chose West Virginia.

My experience with the college recruiting process was very rapid throughout and after the summer, but West Virginia was a pretty clear option. Being a top-25 team and the facilities they had was one thing, but the beautiful campus and the coaching staff was really what pulled me in. They are the type of coaches that put their all into making their players better players and people.

Who are some Major Leaguers you enjoy watching and why?

I think my favorite player to watch is Mookie Betts. Being a Red Sox fan, it shouldn’t be hard to say that, but I love the way he is so relaxed when he plays and makes everything look easy.

Who are your biggest role models in life and why?

Definitely my parents and my sister. They all have made me into the person I am today and their lessons they’ve taught me really help with every day things and will help me succeed not just in baseball but in life.

Who is your favorite musical artist?

Post Malone.

Favorite app on your phone?


Who do you get private lessons from?

Tim Gibbons.

What are your goals for 2020?

Our goal is to win another County Championship, as always.


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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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