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Q & A With Oceanside-Native Nicholas DiLorenzo

Queensborough Community College defeated No. 1 seed Bronx to capture the 2018 CUNAC/Community College championship at MCU Park. One of the major reasons they were able to take the leap and become a championship-caliber team was the production of freshman infielder Nicholas DiLorenzo. The Oceanside native led the team with 35 games played, compiling a robust batting AVG of .357, with an incredible .464 OBP and .705 SLG. I had a chance to speak with him and here’s what he had to say.
How did you decide to attend Queensborough?
Queensborough wasn’t my first choice. I originally went to Nassau, but things didn’t work out as I planned. I tried out but ended up not making the team. The next summer I played for a team called NorthEast Empire and my coach Paul Carufe introduced me to Coach Pangourelias from Queensborough. I decided to give it a shot and it was the best decision I have made so far for my baseball career.
Who are some Major Leaguers you grew up admiring and trying to emulate your game after ?

Growing up I always loved watching my favorite player David Wright because of the way he respects and plays the game. Another player I admire is Mike Trout because (in my opinion) he is the best player in baseball and he’s very humble about it.

Who are some individuals who have had an impact on your career or even your life?

My parents. They come to every one of my games to show support and they’ve done so much for me in my baseball career. Even when we have out of state baseball tournaments, my parents make it their priority to take time off to see me play. I am very fortunate to have this kind of support from my parents.

What do you feel you need to improve on for 2019? 

Right now my goal is to get bigger and stronger and to keep on hitting. I am going to strive to have a similar season that I had last year; and perhaps an even better one. I am hoping with a good amount of training with the help of my coaches, I will be able to achieve this goal.
Max Effort Training
Was baseball always your number one sport?
Baseball has always been my number one sport. I’ve been playing baseball since I was 5 years old and fell in love with the game since.


What are your plans beyond college as far as a career if baseball doesn’t lead to a professional career ? 

My goal is to be an elementary school gym teacher and a baseball coach as well. As far as becoming a baseball coach, I would preferably want to coach at the secondary education level (middle school or high school).The reason why my goal is to become an elementary school gym teacher is because I love working with kids and also I want to help inspire them. I want to become a baseball coach for the middle school level or high school level so I can help develop each student to be ready for what’s to come next in their own baseball careers.

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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