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Kasparian Throws Run-Rule Shortened No-Hitter as B1000 Seminoles Steamroll Freedom Baseball

It’s one of the oldest axioms in baseball. You can’t win if you can’t throw strikes.

Freedom Baseball learned that the hard way in their 15u Boys of Summer matchup against the B1000 Seminoles on Monday night.

Freedom went through 5 pitchers in just a 3-inning game, tallying a total of 14 walks. All those walks led to an easy 15-0 victory for the B1000 Seminoles.

The story was not the same on the mound for B1000 as Eddie Kasparian displayed his best stuff on the mound in his short 3 innings of work. Kasparian allowed no hits and walked one batter in the 3-inning game, with 3 strikeouts to boot. Although a 3-inning no-hitter isn’t nearly as special as a complete game no-hitter, it was still very special to Kasparian.

He talked about his jitters on the mound in the final inning, saying “the no-hitter wasn’t really in my mind for most of the game, but it really hit me at the end, and every play had me nervous.”

In a game where walks decided the outcome, Kasparian showed off the success that can come from pounding the strike zone.

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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