Q & A With Cold Spring Harbor's Harrison Cohen - Axcess Baseball

Q & A With Cold Spring Harbor’s Harrison Cohen

by Vinny Messana


One of the more underrated players on Long Island is Harrison Cohen, a junior from Cold Spring Harbor HS with a big fastball. I had the chance to speak with him, and here’s what he had to say…

(Editor’s Note: This is not part of our Top 10 prospect countdown)


June 5 at Dowling College

Can you talk a little about your background with baseball and when you began to play…

Yes.My dad taught me how to play when I was 3 years old and I always attended both my sister’s softball games and my brother’s baseball games, where I assumed the role of batboy. As I kept playing over the next few years, I developed a passion to always play the game to my full potential and I believe that I still have that passion every time I take the field now.

Do you come from an athletic family?

Yes. While growing up, my dad played basketball, paddleball, and many other sports all over Long Island and New York City. Both my brother and sister excelled in their sports, my sister’s sports being tennis and softball, and my brother’s sport being baseball. Both of my cousins also played baseball growing up.


Who are some athletes you look up to?

I have always looked up to Derek Jeter because he was a class act both on and off the field and he always played the game 100%.

What are you looking for in the college you would like to attend?

I would like to attend a college where I can grow and become a better student, player, and person. I would like to attend a school where I can excel both academically and athletically.


Who have been some influential people in your baseball career to this point?

Through out my life, my biggest supporters have been my mom and dad. Both of my parents do everything they can to provide me the tools to succeed in my baseball career, whether that be new equipment or attending all of my games during the spring, summer, and fall. My mom and dad have always pushed me to become the best person I can be, both on and off the field and they deserve all the credit for helping me become the person and player that I am today.

Please donate your new or lightly used baseball equipment to Bats 4 Buddies at our Battle of the Border

What are your goals for 2016?

In 2016, I want to succeed both academically and athletically. During my summer season, I will be playing with the Body Armor Titans, and I want to look back at my summer season and conclude that I gave it my all and was able to commit to a college that suited my best interests for an academic institution and a top baseball program.


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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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