
Suggested Baseball Reading

There are very few stories to report in January and early February. But, baseball fans can read some stories if you choose to.

Here is a list of my top five favorite baseball books that I have read…

5. Ball Four: Jim Bouton Autobiography

Not many fans are familiar with Jim Bouton–he was a rather non-descript pitcher in the 1960s. His biggest contribution may have been a negative, actually. In his autobiography, he sort of was the first to let the cat out of the bag about the behavior of baseball players. Remember, pre-social media, fans only knew what they saw on the field about baseball players. They were all assumed to be 100% committed to their on-field responsibilities. Bouton exposed how players enjoyed to stay out late chasing women, gambling and boozing. It was a black eye for the game of baseball for a while, until fans realized they’re just being men.

You can purchase it here:

4. The Yankee Years: Joe Torre Autobiography

I’m not a Yankee fan and I was definitely not a fan of Joe Torre’s stoic personality during the Yankees dynasty from 1996-2000. I did find it interesting, however, to find out some of his proclamations in the book. He discussed the pressure of managing for George Steinbrenner and what it’s like to deal with the egomanical players that have stepped on the field for the Yankees such as Alex Rodriguez, Kevin Brown and Gary Sheffield. Also, the dynamic of his last season with the team when he knew he was on his way out. Very fascinating stuff and it’s even better that it’s written by Tom Verducci–the best and most connected writer in the business.

You can purchase it here:

3. Long Shot: Mike Piazza Autobiography

Being a huge Mets fan obligates me to read this book. Piazza was my favorite player growing up. He was very introverted during his playing days, however, and it was frustrating to not know much about him. When he announced the book was coming out, many people assumed he would admit to steroid use or–an even more ridiculous rumor–that he was gay. Neither was true, of course, but it was great to read about his journey from 62nd round pick (as a favor nonetheless) to the greatest hitting catcher in the history of the sport and leading the Mets to their only back-to-back playoff trips in franchise history.

You can purchase it here:

2. The Bad Guys Won: The Story of the 1986 Mets

Love them or hate them, the 1986 Mets were probably the most wildly entertaining bunch in the history of baseball. I wish I was alive to witness this team, but the author, Jeff Pearlman, does a tremendous job of bringing this to life and making the audience feel like they were amidst the debauchery. Did you know they celebrated so recklessly that they caused $100,000 worth of damages to the team plane and were banned from American Airlines for life? That was only the NLCS, too.

You can purchase it here:–/dp/0062097636/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421816027&sr=1-1&keywords=the+bad+guys+won

1. Beyond Belief: The Story of Josh Hamilton

I don’t think anything can really beat this. In terms of inspiration, there is nothing I’ve read that comes close to this. In terms of jaw-dropping stories there is nothing that comes close to this. Basically, it’s the story how an All-American boy like Josh Hamilton that had his life on a silver platter became a heroin addict and blew through $3.96 million in a few short years but somehow made it back to prominence on the national spotlight. Unbelievable stuff.

You can purchase it here:

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Vinny is the President of Axcess Baseball. He is a 2013 graduate of Adelphi University and he is currently the Long Island area scout for the San Diego Padres

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